Picture of the Day:
Lady and the Tramp topiary at Epcot in Italy!
Quote of the Day:
"All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable."
-Walt Disney
Hello, my dearest readers! For most of you (I say this because I probably am physically acquainted with all of you!) are finished with school now. Some of you are even moving on to bigger and better things than college; some of you walked at USF's Commencement Ceremony!
I skipped it.
Yes. I skipped it and ran away. Someone asked me, "Katie, now that you have graduated, what are you going to do next?" I immediately responded, "I am going to Disney World!" And I did. My dearest reader, I left Friday morning at the ridiculous time of six in the morning and left late Sunday afternoon. And, I must admit, it was the most fun I have had in a while.
I have not gone to Disney in a very long time. (Magic Kingdom I managed to get to for a little bit a few years ago, but I was not able to do anything, because for some reason or other, the entirety of us were in bad moods.) So, discounting that horrible happenstance of visitation, I have literally not been to anything in Disney World since I was eight years old.
Let me tell you, when I got there, I felt eight again. I got my picture with Pooh and Tigger, and with Goofy too! The latter of these characters took time to flirt with me a little bit before allowing me to pose for a picture. He has always been my favorite! (No joke, when I went at two, I was terrified of everyone but Goofy--you know, the tallest one? Hahaha. I even had a figurine that I held up so he could watch the parade with me.)
I am refreshed. I am happily drifting off into some fantastic fantasies. I, methinks, have finally found some form of inspiration. I do hope that it lasts long enough for me to work on something; preferably my pirate novel. I am so excited about that one, and want desperately to have this summer bring about productivity.
So, for this passing entry I would like to offer up a few pictures from my adventure in Disney World. Perhaps they will be as magical to you as the experience was for me.
We started off at Epcot; and by we, I mean my friend Jen and I did. Eventually my sister was able to join us (Much to my utter delight!) later in the afternoon.
In line for Test Track, I took time to be a dummy.
My friend and I posing in front of Lady and the Tramp.
I hung out in China!
At Norway, just off the exit of the Maelstrom. My sister's viking hat only has one horn. Hahahaha.
Oh. When we got off the Maelstrom and after we had posed for a picture with this friendly troll, we put down the hats and swords and axes and began to leave. On boy (wearing the hat my sister has on in the above picture: the one with two blonde braids down the side) picked up a sword and began to fight his brother. The part that made my day? He screamed, "For Narnia!" Yeah. That kid is the coolest thing ever.
Anyway, continuing on our picture journey...
The next day we hit Animal Kingdom for the first half of the day. This musical, by the way, is awesome.
Then, we had lunch at T-Rex, a Rainforest Cafe meets dinosaurs restaurant.
Okay. For a minute here, I want to plug this restaurant. It is the coolest place I have ever eaten. Ever. Basically, it is a restaurant with animatronic dinosaurs in it. Every fifteen minutes or so there is a meteor shower. It is the most fantastic thing on the planet. If you are ever in Downtown Disney, please do yourself a favor and hit this restaurant. Here is the link so you can make sure you are going to be able to plan accordingly. Oh. And you may want to make reservations. If you do, make sure they are made before midnight of the day before. It is so worth it.
And as you're leaving, they have a Build a Dino. It is like Build a Bear, but with prehistoric animals instead. I had to make one, so I did. Meet Achilles, the Ankylosaurus. Get it? Ankyl? Bahahaha. I am hilarious.
He is adorable.
Then, the next day, my sister had to go home. So, my friend and I went back to the Magic Kingdom and explored there the rest of the trip.
I found this hat that said "Pirate Princess", and put it on...with my crown.
I love pirates. Yes. Yes I do.
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!
Speaking of pirates! I rode Pirates of the Caribbean! Twice. I love that one. Anyway, when we got off, a show was about to start...so I made passing acquaintance with this guy:
You may not believe me, but he looked JUST LIKE Jack Sparrow as played by Johnny Depp. He had the same voice and mannerisms too; and he was tops my age. Too bad you can no longer get your picture with him.
Two of my favorites.
And my absolute favorite.
Basically, it was amazing. There are plenty more pictures, but perhaps I shall save them for another time. I am inspired to just be creative, let the story flow, and pray that one day it will catch on as well as all of this! (Okay...yeah right. Hahaha.)
I hope that summer is starting off well for you, too! Do not fret, my readers. I will be able to update shortly with something of use; I am thinking I shall spend the remainder of my day today reading and writing.
I love it!!!!!!! I think we all had a wonderful time :D :D it was definitely a time to remember :D :D :D