Picture of the Day:
A joey!
Quote of the Day:
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
-Thomas A. Edison
Hello, my dearest readers! Today, I would like to present you with a poem I wrote a few months ago, that I just happened to recall this morning:
Deepest Night
Sitting in the darkness, staring into black,
Nothing is going on but the darkness staring back.
It is lonely and it is cold, yet I cannot look away.
I do not have the strength to rise and face another day.
My soul is shattered, broken beyond repair
So all I can seem to do is just sit back and stare.
I try to leave, and try once more to see the light,
But darkness has taken hold of me with all of its might.
There must be something better than sitting in one place,
But no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to escape.
It's time to simply surrender, give it up and just let go
Even if the world behind is screaming at me, "No!"
So what if people hate me for giving in like this?
As far as I can see it is the closest thing to bliss.
So willingly I give up on the light,
And drift and settle into the deepest night.
Now, for starters I would not consider myself a poet. I think I have explained this before, but I will painstakingly do so again in case I have not mentioned this or, at the very least, in case you are a new reader and do not know me. Let me say it again: I am not a poet. I am certainly someone who would rather work on novels and short stories. Prose comes to me more readily. Poetry seems forced whenever I do it.
Nonetheless, when I feel that I am at my weakest, it is poetry that offers me the greatest self expression; it is a mystery to me, I cannot explain it. Perhaps it is because it allows self expression, and on some level I deem that my characters deserve better than to be felled for my poor mood. Either way, I end up with a lot of poems that are sad or depressing. And today, I woke up feeling like writing a poem--but, my reader, I am going to fight the urge.
Here is why.
Today, my depression has taken hold of me and has refused to let me go. Today, I woke up wondering what the point was in this mundane existence. Today, I wanted to give up. Badly. And, dear reader, I am tired of living this way.
I stumbled across Thomas Edison's quote (the quote of the day, if you perhaps skipped it.) and it made me think: What if I give up on everything, and I was actually going to make it somewhere? Of course, my inner depression is yelling at me that I will not amount to anything--and I am almost listening. But now there is a nagging second question: If I fight on and still amount to nothing, is it more disappointing to try and then fail, or allow the victory to just slip away?
I am afraid I do not have the answers, but I am certain that I will be, at least for now, attempting to fight this and succeed at something. Even if it looks like I am not going to.
On a brighter note, school is almost over for me, and soon I shall be graduated. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, readers! (At least where school is concerned!) I have about three weeks left (give or take a week, I am not entirely sure what is going on anymore...) and then it is FREEDOM! I am sure nothing will ever taste as sweet.
Have a blessed day, my friends!
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