Thursday, April 21, 2011

Picture of the Day:
The Freedom Cake; in light of the end of the school year, I thought I would share it.

Quote of the Day: 
"You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers." 
-John J. Plomp

Hello, my readers! I would very much like to say that everything is going smoother today than it was a couple of days ago, and I suppose it is true. I am trying to learn and grow through this trial as much as possible. However, something else staggering hit me today; today, April 21st, is my birthday.

Today, I turn twenty-two years old. 

Now, normally I dismiss birthdays altogether, but this one seems to have been paired with the perfect week to really make me stop and think. What should a birthday mean? See, I have always thought it was strange that we celebrated our birthday, and our mother did not. She did all the work that day, after all. She should get to have the cake, party and presents. Logically, then, my mind wondered why we get to celebrate. My conclusion was this: for people my age, we celebrate birthdays to reward everyone for simply not doing something stupid enough to die. Yay?

Here is to making the next year better than the last. Here is to hoping that I grow and actually do something this year I am proud of. Here is to actually starting to live and not simply write all my desires and wishes away.

Here, on my birthday, is the song I leave for you. Enjoy! 

Danny Gokey - My Best Days Are Ahead of Me

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