Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Pygmy Pirate

Picture of the Day: 
Ca' D Zan, the home of the Wringling Brothers

Quote of the Day:
"Ships are the nearest things to dreams that hands have ever made."
- Robert N. Rose

So, the semester is almost over, and it is time for the plans of what to do over break to be solidified; and slowly but surely such dreams are becoming reality. Friends, I tell you that I have a reading list worlds long, and plans to physically get myself active and try to go camping. But, the largest and most monumental feat of break shall be none other than the Pygmy Pirate!

That is right, my father and I are going to build a day sailer; 8 feet long, by 4 feet wide. I cannot be more excited! After all these years, I shall have my own boat to bring out and sail with him. It is going to be epic. 

Now, I personally have already named the boat, and am therefore readily designing aspects of it that I would like, which my father is adamantly declaring we shall not do. None the worse, though. Maybe I will just have to build two! 

It is going to be a PDRacer, and for those of you that have never heard of them and are slow on the boating world, I will link the name to the site for you to poke around. Basically, it is a shoebox that floats. But I am excited anyway--after all, what girl doesn't love shoes??

It is literally going to fit in the back of my truck and make me a little more eager for boating adventures. And I want it to look like a pirate ship! (I already bought a pirate flag for it. Dorky, I know. But hey--I have established and embraced the fact I am a little quirky.)

Once it is done, dad and I plan on taking it out to small boat meetings, where we will sail in minimal style to enjoy a day on the water! Life is good!

Now, by idea of my Pepa, I am going to keep y'all updated on this, and perhaps start a new blog just devoted to boating endeavors. Anyway--consider this post one on the birth of the Pygmy Pirate. Soon, we shall be acquiring the wood. 

I am so excited!

So, my good reader, SAIL ON!

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