Picture of the Day:
Cocoa Beach, Sunrise and Rain
Quote of the Day:
"A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road."
-Henry Ward Beecher
I was tagged by the lovely Cristina to reveal seven secrets about myself. And, I suppose that works well since I have not compiled an entry for the day. So, here it goes. Seven things you probably didn't want to know!
- I collect costume pieces and therefore own four Harry Potter wands of various designs. This came in handy this Halloween when one of my friends decided to go to the party as Hermione and forgot her wand. I felt like Olivander's and even said, "Well, the wand chooses the wizard!" Apparently, I was chosen by four.
- If I could move anywhere, it would be to Middle Earth. But I really doubt that is such a surprise to some who read my blog, like my best friend Kelly. She even caught me looking up the perfect hobbit hole one time when I was on the computer playing "Pick Your Five" on Facebook. Priceless.
- In the battle between Star Wars and Stark Trek, I prefer Star Trek. This didn't use to be the case. If you want to know why I changed my mind, just watch Episodes 1-3 of Star Wars. When you're done puking, get back to me.
- I am a lover of country music above all else. And today, I bought a song by Usher from iTunes. It may be one of the signs of the apocalypse.
- I do not like J.K. Rowling's style of writing. She is a great teller of stories, but almost everything in the novel Harry "said". There are other descriptors and she should use them.
- I have already picked out my Halloween costume for next year. It is November 2nd. Even better? It was picked out before this Halloween passed.
- If I could marry any movie star, it would be Ben Barnes. Even over Gerard Butler--ladies, this is saying something. For those of you who are living under some rock and don't know who Mr. Barnes is, I shall put up a nice picture for you to oogle at.
Oogle away.
I am oogling.
ReplyDelete(btw, I have to disagree with the "said" thing. In my creative writing classes, we're taught to use "said" most (if not all) of the time because it becomes invisible to the reader. when you write "replied" or "yelled" or "grumbled" as the tag, it draws the reader's attention to it, and takes away emphasis from the dialogue. -shrugs- just a thought.)