Thursday, January 19, 2012

Picture of the Day: 
My puppy certainly loves to look at me with sad, sad eyes. 

Quote of the Day: 
"A word is a bud attempting to become a twig. How can one not dream while writing? It is the pen which dreams. The blank page gives the right to dream." 
-Gaston Bachelard

Greetings my readers! I have been gone so long now I do not even recall the last thing I have spoken to you about, so I will just barrel forward and hope you can keep up. Ready? Okay.

So, having finished the Pirate Novel, I do believe I have finally given it a name. I am very excited about this fact, as naming pieces might be the hardest thing for me to do. Ever. The title I am working with? I am glad you asked. Right now it stands like this: 

Children of the Hallow:
The Hallow's Rising

We will see  how this pans out, as I may very well come up with something better. Until then, feedback on what you think of the title would be sublime. (In case you cannot tell, Children of the Hallow is meant to be the series title. If you couldn't, well, now you know.) I have thought way too long on this, boys and girls. Something needs to get chosen before my sanity vanishes faster than Liam can dismiss orders.

That being said, before I delve into work on book two, I pounded out a chapter to a new story series--basically, it delves into fairy tales, our world and the pair of siblings Peyton and Alexander Rhodes. It is quite a fresh story, if I may say so. I am quite pleased with the new style I am able to flex. I love Liam, but sometimes I enjoy the nice snarky comment to spice things up. Since this particular story closely follows a sixteen year old girl (Peyton), snarkiness pools from the page. I love it. 

Speaking of fun witty banter, I found out that Rick Riordan actually has a blogger page. Guess who I subscribed to immediately? 

I am dreadfully slow with my reading these days--I put down books and get wrapped up in other things and simply have not read the way I should. Nonetheless, I am now halfway through his Son of Neptune--guys, it is EVERY bit as amazing as his other things. Pick it up if you haven't already. So worth it.

That is all for now, guys. Mainly I wanted to gauge opinions on the title. So, please, please, please, leave me a comment with an opinion. I flip flop on it. Is it good? Is it not? Is there something that I could change to make it better? 


So many inquiries, so little time. 

Happy writing, my readers! And, if writing is not your thing, happy reading. Both are invaluable. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Picture of the Day: 
A bookstore in Hay On Wye, Wales that is literally in an old castle.

Quote of the Day: 
"Every artist was first an amateur." 
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hello, my dearest Readers! May I start by saying Happy New Year! I have been away for quite a long time, but rest assured I have not vanished. (You are not lucky enough for that! Ha!) In fact, I have some news that is absolutely fantastic--and it may lead to things even more fantastic. Huzzah! 

Okay, before the year vanished something amazing happened. On December 21, 2011 at 10:09pm, I, your resident blogger and aspiring novelist, finished my first draft of my Pirate Novel. 

Yes. Finished. Completed. Final period, celebratory dance, and immediate print-off. Done. 

I have never been so excited in my life! I have already started looking at publishers and agents, but so far I am so happy that it is done I have not really made any efforts toward them yet. My sister and friend are taking a look at the rough-draft manuscript, and my little sister is going to give me what I hope to be the best title for my work! (I have, as of yet, come up empty on that account.) 

I will be able to keep you updated on this progress as I attempt to wiggle my way into the business and make a name for myself. I am nervous about trying to sell my book in query letters and the like, but I am most ready to give it a shot! 

Prayers would be most appreciated as I undertake this endeavor. And, I would like to ask that you to add to them a person I know. He also finished his manuscript, and my friends and I will be taking a look at that for him too. Hopefully we will both be on our way to a published piece by the end of this year! 

Keep writing--it is key to creativity. And, if you cannot do that, keep reading! It does take both for this world to go around.